One of the common questions predictive hiring company Expr3ss! has encountered over the last few days has been whether it has hospitality customers that are looking for staff.  The answer is YES!

This got the Expr3ss! team thinking about how it may help support its hospitality customers and other hospitality businesses to find people now looking for work in both the city, surrounding suburbs and regions.

Overnight the Expr3ss! Geek team created and deployed an Expr3ss! Work site to help those hospitality people that find themselves now out of work.

This site groups its customers roles that are less than 45 days old and in order of most recent. For example, you can type “Casual” in Key Words and “NSW” in Location and all roles that are Casual in NSW will appear.

In addition, you can now see the site on the government jobs portal ( ) under the name ‘Expr3ss!’.

Expr3ss! believes that with goodwill, kindness and mutual support we will emerge from this as stronger, kinder and more unified than ever.

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