The number of hotels and bars listed on the NSW Government’s violent venues list has fallen by over 45 per cent in six months.

Liquor & Gaming NSW Deputy Secretary Paul Newson said the drop from 15 listed venues to eight is part of a longer-term downward trend in the level of violent incidents at licensed venues.

“When comparing this latest list with the first round of the scheme in 2008, there has been a fall of almost 90 per cent – from 1,270 to 146 – in the number of violent incidents at listed venues,” he said.

“Alcohol-related non-domestic assaults have been dropping at around seven per cent per annum in NSW over the past five years.

“This continuing decline and the removal of nine venues from the latest list are highly encouraging and show we’re heading in the right direction.

“We have more work to do and some venues need to take action to curb the misuse of alcohol and associated violence and anti-social behaviour in and around their premises.”

Newson said the violent venues scheme remains a strong incentive for venues to reduce the level of violent incidents so patrons can enjoy safer nights out.

“The vast majority of venues across NSW are responsible and heed the message that running an unsafe hotel, club or bar is not only bad for patrons – it’s out of step with community expectations and also bad for business,” he said.

The list reflects the number of violent incidents at venues over a 12-month period. Venues with 12 or more incidents make the list and face strict conditions and increased monitoring by Liquor & Gaming NSW.

Liquor & Gaming NSW has produced a fact sheet for licensees on the violent venues scheme.

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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