The Gaming Technologies Association (GTA) has announced the appointment of Chris Muir as CEO following the retirement of its Chief Executive, Ross Ferrar.

Ferrar is retiring after 17 years’ involvement with the peak representative body for Australian gaming machine technology suppliers.

GTA Chairman Adrian Halpenny said: “I would like to thank Ross for his service to the GTA for the past 17 years. He has been a keen and steadfast advocate for the Association and its members and has had a distinguished career in the industry.

“Under Ross’ leadership, the GTA has developed a strong record of advocating for its members in support of a robust and sound regulatory environment and has made an important contribution to the public discussion around our industry.”

Incoming CEO, Chris Muir said: “I would like to thank Ross for the hard work and guidance he has provided the GTA for almost two decades. I am excited to continue to work with the GTA members and our industry stakeholders to best represent them on issues pertaining to technical and regulatory matters and advocate strongly for them.”

Muir joined the GTA in June 2018 from senior-level roles in both NSW and Federal governments, including as a chief of staff to senior ministers and as a senior official at AUSTRAC.

Halpenny said: “Chris has worked closely with Ross over the past three months particularly in our regulatory engagements and in the planning for the recent industry showcase the Australasian Gaming Expo. The Board looks forward to working with Chris to continue to represent the interests of members with all of our industry stakeholders.”

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1 Comment

  1. Hello Ross,
    MARGARET BRADLEY here, if you remember I worked with Michael at Gaming for a very long time and during that we found that you knew my Uncle Robert Alford. From Darwin I think. Anyway just wanted to let you know he passed away at this Easter early hours of Sunday. One week off reaching 92. Hope you are well and enjoying retirement. Regards, Margaret Bradley

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