The Australian Hotels Association is set to hold discussions with Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) over its ongoing trial on eBay, after members raised concerns about the trial.

TheShout revealed last week that retailers have raised major concerns about CUB selling direct to consumers as part of a trial being conducted by ZX Ventures. ZX is the global growth and innovation division within the AB Inbev group, which owns CUB; ZX was also the company behind the purchase of online retailer BoozeBud last year.

Scott Leach, National President of the AHA, told TheShout: “Hoteliers have expressed concerns over the market dynamics the CUB trial will create.

“The AHA will be holding urgent discussions with CUB to express the sentiment of our members.”

Last week, Lance Eerhard, ZX Ventures’ Head of eCommerce, Asia Pacific South, told TheShout: “ZX Ventures has been selling a limited range of CUB products on eBay since November last year.

“This is a trial and ZX is continuing to assess the response from consumers.

“Australian businesses are increasingly looking to sell their products through fast-growing digital retailers such as eBay. CUB produces some of Australia’s most popular beers so it makes sense to explore whether eBay is an effective way to get these products into the market.”

TheShout reported that having looked through many of the products available via CUB’s eBay store Corona Extra, Carlton Draught and Victoria Bitter were listed for $56 per case, however with a 20 per cent discount promotion available these products can be bought for $44.80 with free delivery. Crown Lager costs $44 and Carlton Dry can be bought for $43.20.

With the discounted prices available for the beer, several retailers questioned the reasons by the trial and how valid its results would be given the cheap prices involved.

TheShout has contacted CUB, but the brewer has declined to comment.

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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