One of the biggest issues facing pub operators heading into 2020 is the changing consumer attitude towards alcohol and healthy consumption. As Roy Morgan research has shown, the amount of alcohol being imbibed by Australians is on the decline. As per its research in the middle of this year, two-thirds of Australians (66.3 per cent) drunk alcohol in an average four week period, down 3.5 per cent from five years ago (69.8 per cent) in mid-2014.

As a major revenue-raiser for pubs, operators are having to evolve and enhance their drinks offering to include both low- and non-alcoholic options that will cater to a more health-conscious crowd.

These two categories are at the beginning of an incredible growth period, and one non-alcoholic solution that publicans should be paying attention to is the range of live-cultured drinks by Remedy. Known for their kombucha, Remedy was created by husband-and-wife team Emmet and Sarah Condon, who had been making their own kombucha brews for friend and family for years. While the business has grown significantly since then – Remedy currently has 60 percent market share of kombucha in Australia — the drinks are still made the old-fashioned way: in small batches, and long-aged brewed for 30 days.

The result is a tasty and healthy range of live cultured drinks that have no sugar naturally and are full of live cultures, organic acids and antioxidants. The long-aged brew creates a tangy, refreshing drink with great depth of flavour, offering a premium alternative for your patrons who don’t want to drink alcohol but want to drink something a bit more interesting (and healthier) than a soft drink or mineral water.

“We want to shake up the drinks landscape and get people to rethink their fizzy drink this summer with a healthy alternative.” says Emmet Condon.

“People are increasingly aware of the dangers of too much sugar in our diets and just as we’ve seen shifting consumer trends at the supermarket, we know they are also looking for options from hospitality venues that are not only no sugar, but also natural, organic and still tasty,” he says.

A quality mixer

Not only are Remedy’s live-cultured drinks great non-alcoholic options to stock, they also make for a sophisticated mixer for your cocktails.

An example is the Remedy Ginger Lemon Pimped Pimms, made by combining 330 ml of Remedy Kombucha Lemon Ginger, 110 ml of Pimms, fresh fruit, cucumber, mint and ice. It’s a refreshing cocktail for two – perfect for the summer. Other cocktail ideas using the range of Remedy’s SKUs can be found here.

The Remedy range includes Remedy Kombucha, Remedy Switchel, Remedy Coconut Water Kefir, Remedy Tepache and Remedy Sodas (including Remedy Cola, Remedy Lemonade, Remedy Lemon Lime & Bitters and Remedy Oranja).

For more information, or to find out how to get your hands on some Remedy please email Nathan Silvey at or call 1300 KOMBUCHA.

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Vanessa Cavasinni

Vanessa Cavasinni is the managing editor of Australian Hotelier and Club Management, trade publications for the pub and club sectors respectively. Vanessa has been at the helm of Australian Hotelier since...

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