Retailers, publicans and venue managers have been asked to keep a look out for rogue sales people after a container loaded with BrewDog merchandise and stock was broken into recently.

The break-in occurred in Melbourne and saw a number items stolen included kegs of BrewDog Choco Libre and BrewDog Abstrakt. The theft also saw cans including Punk IPA, 5AM Saint Red Ale and Elvis Juice stolen, leaving the popular craft brewer believing the thieves may well turn to retailers and other areas of the trade in a bid to offload their stolen goods.

Speaking about the theft, BrewDog told TheShout: “We really want to let people know that if someone walks into their store or their venue offering BrewDog and who is not their Phoenix rep, or from the BrewDog Australia team, then the beer they are offering is not being sold legitimately.

“We’re offering a reward of $200 worth of beery goodness to anyone who can provide us with information that leads to the safe return of our missing brews. We are just after some crowdsourced help so we can bring the beer back into the hands of the people.”

As well as the beers the thieves also managed to make off with a stack of BrewDog merchandise including t-shirts, decals and glasses.

Anyone who is approached to buy the stolen beers is asked to contact either Phoenix Beers, or Mimmi Hetorp at BrewDog on

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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