A new service is launching to help Queensland pubs and hotels to benefit from the state’s Container Refund Scheme. As one of the biggest throughputs of recyclable containers, pubs and hotels are in a prime position to profit from taking part in the headline recycling scheme.

In a win-win arrangement, Return-It QLD is encouraging pubs and hotels to collect beer bottles, beer cans and soft drink containers in its ongoing bid to improve recycling in Queensland.

Meanwhile pubs can look to profit by taking part, while manifesting and substantiating their sustainability and eco-friendly credentials.

To make it as easy as possible for licenced venues to return and recycle eligible containers, Return-It QLD provides a recycling service to reduce waste management costs and reward venues – and customers – for their efforts. The initiative is designed to provide an easy way to return containers while helping the environment and the community.

“As major sellers of bottles, cans, and other drinking containers, pubs … are in a great position to raise additional funds by returning eligible containers through Return-It QLD, and for every bottle returned they can collect a 10-cent refund or choose to donate it to a worthy cause,” says Return-It QLD CEO, David Singh.

“We have some fantastic charity partners including P&Cs QLD, the AEIOU Foundation, LifeLine, Vinnies, Bloomhill Cancer Care, the Salvos, among others who have all been able to use money provided through donations to improve their service offerings. We know a lot of pubs and clubs also support their local community, and might have their own causes that the refund amounts can go towards,” says Singh.

Since its launch on 1 November 2018, Queenslanders have recycled more than 100 million containers through the Container Refund Scheme, with more than $10 million in refunds provided to Queenslanders and Return-It charity partners within the first two months of launch.

As part of the Queensland Government’s Container Refund Scheme, Containers for Change, delivered by Container Exchange (Co-Ex) in Queensland, Re.Group, via its consumer-facing arm, Return-It, has established more than 100 Express Drop Off units and depots across Queensland. The drop off points allow individuals or businesses to easily deliver recyclable materials, such as bottles, containers and other plastic items. Each eligible item will attract a refund of 10c, which the deliverer can either keep, or opt to donate to one of Return-It’s benefiting organisations.

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