The Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) has launched four new responsible service of gambling (RSG) training videos to complement their popular Behind the bar RSA series.

The series, called ‘High stakes’, use real-life scenarios to encourage gaming staff to be aware and know their role and options when identifying and approaching problem gamblers and providing support to not only them, but their friends and family.

Gambling problems can be harder to detect so with hotel staff knowing their venue, the popular machines, regular patrons and their behavior, they are in an ideal position to minimise harm.

The videos offer moments where licensees and RSG trainers can pause play and discuss tactics, tips and tricks with staff. Discussion starters are also available to download and distribute.

Posters that promote the series and outline indicators of gambling problems are also available to download and display to staff back–of-house.

These resources have been created thanks to feedback we received direct from industry and we hope they continue to help support a culture across Queensland gaming venues that promotes the responsible service of gambling and harm minimisation.

For further information visit

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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