Australian Hotelier is very excited to announce that the 2019 Pub Leaders Summit will be hitting the road, and will be held in Melbourne next year.

The third annual Pub Leaders Summit is now complete, and it was a fantastic event for all participants. The day has received plenty of fantastic feedback from attendees across the country, about how useful a forum it is for pub operators.

“The 2018 Pub Leaders Summit presented a great range of speakers and forums. It got the brain ticking over and has led to us re-thinking the way we do the little things in our pub, from inductions through to creating better customer experiences and everything in between,” said Matt Coorey, director of The Boardwalk Tavern on Hope Island in Queensland.

“It was an invaluable experience for me,” added Mandy Collins, director of The Lady Daly in Adelaide.

More content from this year’s Summit will be made available throughout Australian Hotelier in the next few months, so keep an eye out in the magazine and online for more content.

For attendees raring for the next event, and for those operators who missed out on this year’s invaluable summit, Australian Hotelier has some exciting news: The Pub Leaders Summit will be held in Melbourne in 2019!

As a national industry event, it’s important to make the Summit available to even more operators, and we hope to welcome even more interstate operators next year.

The exact date and location of the event will be revealed in due time, so keep an eye out in Australian Hotelier for more updates.

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Vanessa Cavasinni

Vanessa Cavasinni is the managing editor of Australian Hotelier and Club Management, trade publications for the pub and club sectors respectively. Vanessa has been at the helm of Australian Hotelier since...

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