Rumotel Pty Ltd, the operator of Melbourne’s Tower Hotel, has been charged with breaches of the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 by the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC).

34 charges have been laid against the Tower Hotel for allegedly failing to have YouPlay functioning on its electronic gaming machines and the related YourPlay kiosk. YourPlay is a pre-commitment scheme that allows players to set time and spend limits to stay in control of their play, and instalment on electronic gaming machines is mandatory.

One further charge has been laid for an alleged failure by the Tower Hotel to ensure staff had completed compulsory training.

The Tower Hotel has been directed to cease operating gaming machines entirely until the matter has been rectified.

“Any venue operator that fails to provide players with the ability to set time and spend limits through the YourPlay system is in breach of a key legal obligation aimed at protecting the community from gambling harm. We are actively monitoring venue compliance with the requirement to have YourPlay available on all electronic gaming machines and will pursue those that opportunistically or deliberately contravene their obligations,” said VGCCC CEO Annette Kimmitt AM.

The 35 charges could attract a maximum fine of $758,172.

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