The Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) has released a discussion paper as it seeks feedback on how gaming machines should be monitored, and what monitoring arrangements may be needed in the future, and the closing date for submissions is Tuesday, 28 May.

Currently, all gaming machines in Victorian club and hotel gaming venues must be connected to an electronic monitoring system.

In 2011, the then Minister for Gaming issued a licence to Intralot Gaming Services to provide the monitoring system. The licence began August 2012 for a 15-year term and will end on 15 August 2027.

Ahead of that licence ending, the VGCCC wants to review the current arrangements.

According to the discussion paper, one of the specific issues that will be up for consideration is whether the monitoring system should implement, or better utilise, a continuous, online real-time recording and reporting to venue operators and the VGCCC.

“This would enable venue operators to be immediately aware of, and act on, any issues with the operation of their gaming machines. It could also make venue operators aware of particular indicators of gambling harm or criminal influence, such as money laundering,” the paper noted.

Another issue for consideration relates to what equipment should be provided and maintained by the monitoring provider.

“The monitoring licensee currently provides a site controller for every venue and specific hardware related to the monitoring system and pre-commitment system,” said the paper.

On the topic of gambling harm, the review will consider the role of the monitoring provider in delivering harm minimisation measures, and whether data from the monitoring system may be useful in assisting venue operators to comply with their anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing obligations.

The Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety will review the responses collected, which will shape a report that will be handed down to the Minister of Gaming later in the year. The report will include findings and recommendations to help determine the future of the gaming machine monitoring arrangements.

To access the discussion paper or to make a submission, click here.

We strongly encourage industry participation so together we can help ensure that Victoria’s gambling industry operates with integrity and is safe and fair,” VGCCC regulatory services director Jason Cremona stated.

Submissions close 5pm tomorrow, Tuesday 28 May, 2024.

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