C.Inc successfully hosted Coogee Bay Hotel’s 23rd Annual Charity Golf Day on Thursday 5 November – despite two major hurdles.

Heavy wet weather did not stop avid golfers and industry supporters getting behind Coogee Bay Hotel’s annual fundraiser for the Sydney Children’s Hospital, with attendees raising $175,710.

Because of COVID, the format for the usually much larger event was reduced from 160 or so participants to 36 golfers and 55 lunch guests. With the reduced format, C.Inc was aiming to raise $100,000 and was blown away by the generosity of its supporters in outperforming that goal.

“As we’ve all seen, 2020 has been an unbelievable and unprecedented year. And today, with the torrential rain and COVID, it’s just unbelievable we had 40 players out braving the rain for this cause. To raise over $170,000 is a true mark of the character and the support that we have from the industry for Sydney Children’s Hospital and it’s great to be involved with this,” stated managing director Chris Cheung.

Coogee Bay Hotel welcomed golf pros from Searoo Sports, who auctioned themselves off to join a team to play on, including Dimi Papadatos, Nathan Barbieri, and Tom Heaton. Also taking part in the auction was Searoo Sports GM and NRL legend, Braith Anasta. The day also included silent and live auction components, with lots donated by supporters of the venue.

This year’s total of $175,000 will contribute to C.Inc’s $500,000 commitment to a fellowship in neurology, which will help with the transfer of child stroke patients to Randwick – the only hospital with 24-hour life-saving clot retrieval therapy.

Coogee Bay Hotel has now raised a staggering $3.114 million for the Sydney Children’s hospital over the last two decades. Its support has assisted in funding a number of new facilities and initiatives include fellowship programs, two minimally invasive surgical theatres, a clinical wing in the Ainsworth Building as well as contributions towards the construction of the Bright Alliance Building.

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Vanessa Cavasinni

Vanessa Cavasinni is the managing editor of Australian Hotelier and Club Management, trade publications for the pub and club sectors respectively. Vanessa has been at the helm of Australian Hotelier since...

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