The members of Alcohol Beverages Australia (ABA) have elected a new Executive Committee at the association’s AGM, which was held in Sydney this week.

Positions on the ABA’s Executive Committee must be renewed every two years and this year’s voting saw a new Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer all elected unopposed.

Bryan Fry of Pernod Ricard Australia was named as the ABA’s new Chair, Giuseppe Minissale of ALM/Porters Liquor and the Australian Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) was named as the Deputy Chair and James Brindley of Lion was named as the new Treasurer.

Fry thanks Minissale as the outgoing Chair for his leadership during the formative years of the ABA, and he also thanked the Executive Committee’s previous members for all the work they did for the association over the previous two years.

“Giuseppe, Shane Tremble, Mitchell Taylor and Terry Mott (as Public Officer) have played an important role in building and shaping ABA from being just a good idea to the strong and growing position it’s in today, and I congratulate them and thank them for their contribution,” Fry said.

He added that he was honoured to have been elected into the role and was looking forward to working with industry stakeholders during what is an exciting time for the industry.

“Australians are drinking better, we’re enjoying strong sustainable growth because the evolution of our drinking behaviours through product innovation and a consumer-centric focus, is putting our drinks at the core of more accessible and interesting experiences.”

As well as the new committee the AGM also saw the ABA welcome a new corporate member in Beam Suntory, a move welcomed by Fry as a positive step for the industry body and a vote of confidence in its strategy and operation.

“We’re very pleased to welcome John Rosair and the Beam Suntory group into ABA and we look forward to working with them on industry matters into the future,” Fry said.

Rosair said Beam Suntory was determined to work with its industry counterparts to promote the contribution of the sector and help generate and maintain the stable regulatory environment industry needs.

“Beam Suntory is a positive and active participant in alcohol beverages industry matters worldwide and we believe joining ABA is the best way to continue that contribution across the Australian marketplace,” Rosair said.

As well as the new Executive Committee for the ABA, ALSA also recently held its AGM which saw all the current Board positions returned unopposed.

The Board is made up of Minissale as President, Lou Spagnolo from LSA WA as the Vice President Independents, Andrew Wilsmore from Endeavour Drinks Group as the Vice President Chains, Faye Hartley of LSA NT as Treasurer and CEO, Secretary and Public Officer, Terry Mott.

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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