Alcohol Beverages Australia (ABA) has launched its Industry Contribution Report, which has detailed the important contribution that the industry makes to the Australian economy.

From vineyards to bottleshops the beer, wine and spirits industry provides direct and indirect employment opportunities for more than 590,000 Australians. The report also details research conducted by Gillespie Economics, which found the industry contributed more than $158bn annually in direct and indirect output last year and accounted for $36bn in direct and indirect wages and income.

ABA Executive Director Fergus Taylor told the launch reception at Canberra last night that the report highlights the importance of the industry in the Australian economy’s domestic and export markets.

“Millions of Australians enjoy beer, wine and spirits as part of a balanced, social lifestyle, and this report shows the important role the industry also plays as an employment provider and economic contributor,” Taylor said.

“Consumption of alcohol has declined in Australia to its lowest rates since the 60’s, but businesses are growing with our customers opting for more premium offerings and exploring new drinking settings including food festivals, local breweries and distilleries, cellar doors and winery tours.

“The changing drinking culture has unlocked even more diverse and regionally-based employment opportunities for those looking to work in the industry, while also ensuring we remain a significant economic contributor to the national economy.

“The industry understands its place in the social and economic fabric of Australia comes with an obligation to promote responsible consumption and contribute to efforts to reduce alcohol-related harms, which we take very seriously and continue to work very hard to satisfy.”

Gillespie Economics Principal, Dr Robert Gillespie added that the diversity of employment opportunities in the alcohol industry could be attributed to the breadth of supply industries it draws from.

“When you consider the supply industries cover everything from the growing process, through manufacturing and logistics, to the point of sale into the hands of the consumer, the alcohol industry provides employment opportunities for workers with a range of skill sets and experience across the entire population,” Dr Gillespie said.

“We looked at the direct contribution the industry made in 2017 based on IBISWorld data and then estimated the indirect contributions in terms of the key economic indicators of output, value added, wages and employment.”

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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