Alcohol Beverages Australia (ABA) has said that it welcomes proposals by the Australian Labor Party to involve the industry in targeting at-risk individuals and groups and continuing the positive trends in reducing harmful alcohol consumption in Australia.

In a statement about the proposals, the ABA said that over the past 10 years government statistics show there has been a marked improvement in Australia’s drinking habits. But added that there is more to do.

“With 84 per cent of Australians now drinking within the recommended lifetime risk guidelines, the task ahead to tackle harms will require a continuation of the coordinated work to target at-risk groups and their behaviour,” the ABA said in a statement.

“Targeted solutions will be more effective by working in a whole-of-society approach, where alignment on evidence-based options can be achieved.

“A critical first step is a proper analysis on the underlying causes for the significant advancements that have been recorded over the past decade, to extend learnings and guide future strategies.”

The ABA also called on all producers in Australia to sign up to, and be accountable to, the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC), which ensures responsibility in both the content and placement of alcohol advertisements.

The ABA also highlighted the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s triennial study showing all major population-wide statistics heading in the right direction:

  • Alcohol consumption on a per capita basis is at the lowest point in more than half a century
  • Increasing number of Australians are drinking within the lifetime risk guidelines, now 84%
  • Fewer Australians are drinking daily, down to 5.9%
  • More underage teenagers are abstaining all together, up to 82%
  • Younger people are delaying their first drink for longer and drinking less
  • Young adults (18-24 year olds) are now less likely to drink to excess than ever before – down to 42%.

Cohorts and areas of concern:

  • 30-39 year old age group has seen little no improvement over recent survey periods.
  • 40-49 year old age group has shown slight increases in at-risk drinking patterns.

The ABA added: “To make further improvements will require targeted measures to tackle the array of social and cultural drivers leading some people to drink at excessive levels. Australia’s beer, wine and spirits producers are in lock-step with political efforts from all sides to continue to improve on our drinking culture.”


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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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