Activate Group Australia, a respected industry voice addressing key issues influencing essential retail services in Australia, has announced the release of its latest Industry Report.

This is the second Industry Report the group has released, designed to fill a gap in the cross-industry collaboration process by pulling together insights from a range of sectors for the benefit of all retailers.

The digital report covers an array of interesting topics, including AI and automation, the omnichannel experience, fulfilment and inflation, as well as insights on the use of certain products, such as cannabidiol, non-alcoholic beverages and plant-based categories.

Keith Quigg, CEO and Chairman of Activate Group, discussed the value of the report with National Liquor News, noting: “For many retail types, business focus is often contained within their sector. While this is strategically important, so is an understanding of what is happening in other retail sectors.

“The liquor industry is a key player and liquor operators’ influential contributors to the wider retail market.

“Liquor is one area that should be widely publicised in cross-industry articles as the movements and changes in liquor retailing have a significant effect on other sectors.”

Activate Group aims for its Industry Reports to enable strong information to flow throughout different sectors of retail, to enable collaborative analysis. While some sectors have very specific metrics, Quigg said collaboration paints a wider picture of how consumers are shopping – in turn, this can provide benefits such as stronger marketing efforts.

Visit the Activate Group website to read the report.

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Brydie Allen

Brydie Allen is the Editor of National Liquor News. She has been with Food and Beverage Media since 2019, when she joined the company as a journalist across National Liquor News, Bars & Clubs, The...

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