Australia’s liquor retail industry is an incredibly diverse landscape, from pioneering new trends to upholding time-honoured traditions. But beyond the brands and products, it is the individuals within this industry whose passion and dedication create such a dynamic market.

In each instalment of our ‘Five minutes with…’ seriesNational Liquor News puts the spotlight on a key figure in the industry, sharing a glimpse into their personality and the experiences that underpin their achievements.

Each fortnight, we will dive into the professional accomplishments and unique perspectives of our industry’s dynamic leaders, uncovering their personal stories of success.

This week, we sat down with Michael Waters, CEO of Retail Drinks Australia, a national industry body that represents the interests of Australia’s packaged retail liquor stores

NLN: How long have you been with Retail Drinks, and can you share a bit about your journey to becoming the CEO?

MW: I’ve been with Retail Drinks since the organisation formed in late 2018 from the evolution and consolidation of the former state and territory Liquor Stores Associations (LSA). Before the merger, I was the Executive Director and Company Secretary of the LSA NSW and ACT, having joined the association in early 2009.

I took over as Retail Drinks’ CEO in mid-2020 in the thick of the Covid pandemic, shortly after we successfully advocated for all of liquor retail to stay open as an ‘essential service’. It was an extremely busy next year or so ensuring that our industry could continue to retail responsibly as an essential service throughout all 34 subsequent lockdowns across the country.

NLN: What are some of the key milestones or lessons in your career that have shaped your understanding of the industry?

MW: The industry’s changed a lot in the past 15 to 20 years. The number of liquor licences across the country has nearly doubled while per capita alcohol consumption has steadily declined amid a backdrop of increasing regulatory and operational pressure. Ensuring we have a vibrant, diverse, sustainable, responsible and professional industry in another 20+ years’ time is Retail Drinks’ purpose.

There’s been many milestones in my career, but none more pertinent than in the past six years. Being part of Retail Drinks’ formation; launching new industry responsibility initiatives, including the world-first Online Alcohol Sale and Delivery Code of Conduct; keeping liquor retail open throughout the entire pandemic; commissioning and publishing groundbreaking industry research and insights; and celebrating Retail Drinks’ fifth anniversary are but a few highlights.

NLN: How do you ensure Retail Drinks stays ahead of industry trends and changes?

MW: Retail Drinks, as the peak body for Australia’s $18 billion retail liquor sector and ‘trusted advisor’ to industry and government, aims to drive significant and meaningful change at a policy and regulatory level while continuing to promote and enhance the freedom to retail responsibly via our industry responsibility initiatives, and complementary, value-driven services.

To do our job effectively, we work collaboratively with members (across all categories) and industry partners to better understand market and industry trends and changes. We’re also fortunate to be able to proactively develop our own research and insights, to help inform and shape evidence-based policymaking.

NLN: As the CEO of Retail Drinks, what are your ambitions for the year ahead?

MW: Late last year the Board and Management convened a strategic and structural planning workshop, reflecting on the first five years of operation, and setting the strategic direction for the next period. Our new three-year strategic plan is underway, which will see Retail Drinks be the voice for liquor retail through (1) enhanced, proactive, coordinated and data-led advocacy; (2) championing industry responsibility for a more responsible and respected industry; and (3) focused, complementary engagement and services.

The Board and I have also been navigating through key structural (Constitution) reform to ensure Retail Drinks remains future fit and best equipped to achieve its vision and objectives.

NLN: What keeps you inspired?

MW: I’ve been involved in membership-based, association management, whether with a ‘profit-for-purpose’ organisation, like Retail Drinks, or volunteering for a ‘not-for-profit’ throughout my entire career. It’s not for everyone, but I enjoy it, and believe my skills and attributes are well suited to the third sector.

I’m motivated by my highly supportive, engaged, and superbly chaired board. I’m inspired everyday by my dedicated, talented team, and by the many fantastic liquor retailers, members and industry colleagues. I love that no two days are the same at Retail Drinks, and I’m proud to serve an organisation that’s making a difference for the entire retail liquor industry.

NLN: Outside of work, what hobbies do you have, or how do you enjoy your spare time?

MW: With a 13- and 10-year-old, much of our weekends are spent taking them to and from various sporting activities. I swam competitively as a teenager, but these days I swim regularly for fitness. Thankfully, both girls enjoy swimming too, so sometimes when they’re training, I’ll jump in a nearby lane and smash out some laps. I also love golf and need to make more time for it.

Lastly, as a passionate Newtown resident, exploring the ever-evolving King Street and Enmore Road never disappoints, nor does supporting the area’s independent brewers and distillers, or cheering on the Jets at Henson Park.

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