Western Australian banner group Liquor Barons launched a social media competition recently, which has proved highly successful for the business, delivering strong engagement numbers and a great piece of user generated content.

The campaign aligned with the group’s WA Day Catalogue and asked customers to upload a video to Facebook for a chance to win one of every item in the catalogue and it brought some amazing results.

Liquor Barons’ General Manager, Chris O’Brien told TheShout that the group has an excellent digital marketing capability and that the business has run a number of campaigns like this already, but these results exceeded expectations.

“We see user generated content as being the holy grail of digital marketing, but we are really proud of this campaign. We’re really proud, not just of the base statistics, but also the level of engagement we have received from our followers.

“We think this a great example of how a retailer can use social media to engage with its audience.”

The winning video, which you can see below, is a great piece of work, but O’Brien said there were other great videos as well.

“We ended up giving a second and third prize as part of the competition, because the quality of the videos we received was so high, it was just outstanding. But there was one clear winner and it is a lot of fun to watch.”

The campaign asked followers to show how they would open a beer without a bottle opener, with the best video winning the main prize. It has proved a resounding success with a reach of over 120,000 and video views of over 53,000.

“Strategically getting engagement from your followers is really important and we’re really happy that this particular promotion has exceeded all of our expectations in terms of reach and engagement.

“We’ve worked hard on communicating with our social media followers, crafting our messaging and tone of voice, this has helped us to garner such an amazing response from our audience they trust us, and know we’re locals,” O’Brien said.

Treat yourself and take four minutes out of your day to see 17 different ways to open a beer, with one epic conclusion.

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Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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