We are excited to announce that we will be offering fixed rate shipping program from Australia. Enter your wines before August 30, 2018, and get involved with flat rate shipping program.

Cost for this service is only £50 per entry. Our price includes all charges from the arrival of our nominated depot in Australia to London through to delivered duty paid to the London Wine Competition. We have allowed for 3 bottles per entry.


Step 1: Please enter your wines online first.

Step 2: Please advise Monika at monika@londonwinecompetition.com that you have entered your wines online and that you wish to send samples locally and want to get involved in this program. Monika will send you the shipping labels that you MUST USE to send samples to your local depot.

Please DO NOT ship your wines without entering wines online first.


  1. Shipping must be paid for as part of the wine entry process and shipping costs are not refundable under any circumstances.
  2. Clearly label each box of wine using the shipping label, which will be emailed to you once you have sent your submission form.
  3. Wine delivered to the wrong Hellmann depot will not be accepted. Please deliver your wines to the below depot ONLY in Australia. Please make sure to use the shipping label we send you.



DEPOT ADDRESS: 57-73 Lambeck Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
CONTACT: Joey Tornese, Joanne Giddings
EMAIL: melexpair@au.hellmann.net
TELEPHONE: 613 9335 3555


31 August 2018


31 December 2018

Send your wines to the below Australian depot and they will be grouped together with other entrants’ before being sent to our warehouse. Our consolidated shipping service offers you lower shipping rates and will help ensure the safe arrival of your wines. Enter your wines today in the world’s most relevant wine competition.

All duties and tax are included in the consolidated shipping fee:
Consolidated shipment will cost £50 per entry, in addition to your entry fee.

Enter your wines now. 

About London Wine Competition


The London Wine Competition is being launched to identify and reward those brands and products that consumers actually want to buy, rather than simply recognize good quality wines for their winemaking ability alone. To be a real success a wine brand has to be bought by consumers, be it on a supermarket shelf or a restaurant or bar’s list. The London Wine Competition will single out and highlight the wine brands on sale in the UK and International markets that are truly commercially successful. Read more about how it works here.


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