The June issue of National Liquor News has all the liquor retailing news.

Welcome to the June issue of National Liquor News. I’d like to kick off this month by thanking Andy Young, Charlie Whitting and the rest of the team for stepping in for me while I’ve been away recovering from concussion.

I’m back now and ready to take a look at all that’s been happening in the alcohol and packaged liquor industries while I’ve been away.

Last month, Roy Morgan released its latest Alcohol Retail Currency Report, which pleasingly showed market share increases for independent retail outlets, which is great news indeed. So in this issue we had a chat with many of the country’s banner groups to find out what they are doing at a group level to help their retailers stay ahead of the pack. Beginning on page 36, we talk to Independent Liquor Retailers, Liquor Legends, Australian Liquor Marketers and the Independent Liquor Group about how their groups have been performing and what they have planned for the next 12 months.

While on that topic, this month our retail insights guru Norrelle Goldring has taken a look at the growth of convenience retail and discusses how gains made by independent liquor retailers is symptomatic of broader consumer and retail trends, which you can read all about on page 22.

In the news, reports from Roy Morgan and IRI have shown a continued downward trend in Australian alcohol consumption, as well as some significant changes in the retail landscape, which we cover, beginning on page 10.

It’s not news that Australia has an undisputed obsession with coffee, so in this issue Amy Hayes has taken a look at how the Australian coffee culture has continued to grow in quality and diversity and so too has our taste for high quality alcoholic coffee drinks.

We also have the regular contributions from Retail Drinks Australia, Spirits and Cocktails Australia, Alcohol Beverages Australia, DrinkWise, as well as New Zealand Winegrowers and Wine Australia.

The NLN Tasting Panel this month tasted a range of Shiraz, and you can see which wines ranked well over pages 44 to 47.

Keep your feedback coming through, we are always keen to hear your feedback, look at issues concerning you at the moment, and making sure we make this mag work for you.

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