On May 17, Retail Drinks Australia is teaming up with industry partner Rest Super to host a free webinar for everyone in the drinks industry, focusing on the scrapping of the $450 super threshold.

On July 1 2022, the Australian Government will remove the requirement for workers to earn a monthly minimum income of $450 to be eligible for employer superannuation contributions.

This change (announced in the Federal Government’s 2021-22 Budget) means that all eligible employees, regardless of income, will be entitled to guaranteed super payments by employers.

The removal of the threshold is likely to impact industries which employ a greater number of casual workers, such as off-premise liquor retail and supply.

This is why Retail Drinks Australia has created the free webinar for the wider drinks industry, including those who aren’t members of the organisation. The webinar aims to smooth the transition to the new legislative environment surrounding superannuation.

Michael Waters, Retail Drinks Australia CEO, said: “Retail Drinks, and long-term members and Industry Partners, Rest Super, are pleased to be able to host this important, free Industry Insights webinar, and we are more than happy to extend the invitation to all parts of the liquor industry.

“Regardless of whether you’re an independent liquor retailer, online-only retail liquor business, or are a beverage producer or supplier, if you’re a business that employs staff earning below $450 per month you need to be across this important legislative change.”

Key topics to be discussed will be: the implications of the threshold removal for employers, how to minimise the burden of additional administration and also how to best onboard employees with superannuation.

The webinar will include three guest speakers from Rest Super: Jane Sheridan – Southern Regional Manager, Bart Healy ­– Northern Regional Manager, and Sarah O’Brien – Head of Regulatory Affairs.

The webinar will be held on Thursday, May 17 at 10am. Register here, or by emailing info@retaildrinks.org.au.

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