A strong alignment of strategy with a focus on loyalty and brand was the deciding factor behind Harvest Hotel’s decision to choose and partner with ALM and IBA. Harvest Group will shift all venues across both South Australia and New South Wales, retail and on-premise, to ALM under the IBA banner group of Thirsty Camel. The transition date into Thirsty Camel has begun in South Australia with New South Wales venues to follow over the next few months.
Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM) are proud to share they are newly chosen wholesaler and retailer of the Harvest Hotels Group. Harvest Group is committed to creating iconic regional pub and retail experiences and their decision is a result of a mutual vision for partnership, growth and innovation.
Chris Cornforth, Director and Founder of the group shared, “Harvest recognises the importance of partnering with a National Banner to support our growing portfolio of retail venues. Thirsty Camel provides us with the structure and expertise to support our growth ambitions, through their key retail program which is built on data, insights and retail excellence”.

The continual and consistent focus of the ALM strategy of being frictionless in their core processes and sticky of value creation has meant they are creating famous brands in the market and it is proving to be successful in attracting large groups to join the network.
Chris Baddock, CEO of ALM shared, “I am excited to be working with the Harvest Hotel Group. During all our discussions, we agreed partnership was central to both The Harvest Group and IBA. A partnership with retailing, wholesaling and suppliers is essential to meeting consumer needs every day.”
Having been exposed to Thirsty Camel in South Australia, the Group holds a strong affinity for the brand which exudes great energy and promotes shopper experience. Characteristics they know will resonate well with consumers everywhere from Adelaide to Regional NSW.

ALM’s network of the future has a clear focus on loyalty, with demand from retailers to join the loyalty program growing across all banners. Chris Cornforth continued to share, “Loyalty is an important offering and Thirsty Camel’s Camel Card and Hump Club will work with our Harvest Gold loyalty program”.
The ALM purpose of Championing Successful Independents has never been stronger, with another large group joining the network to offer the support in becoming the best store in your town.