As sales teams reduce the frequency of visiting liquor retailers and licensed venues, TheShout will step up and help complete the sales cycle. We will publish regular brand promotions on our sales hub called the ‘Digital Marketplace’ to connect brands and suppliers with the tens of thousands of liquor retailers.

In these challenging times more industry than ever are turning to TheShout and National Liquor News for help, information, advice and solace. TheShout’s CTR is currently in excess of 52 per cent, highlighting our strong engagement with the trade.

The Digital Marketplace aims to connect suppliers and liquor retailers at a very low cost so everyone can benefit.

How does it work?

TheShout will drive traffic to the ‘Digital Marketplace’ via regular solus eDM and a targeted trade lookalike social media audience. We will publish news stories and host ‘Digital Marketplace’ display advertising to direct your customers to the hub so you can communicate your brand news, promotions, support, extended terms and/or want you want to communicate to help the industry trade through the next few months.

What do I need to supply to get on board?

Sales Hub Promotion, please include:

  • Catchy heading: 4-8 words
  • Copy/text: 100-400 words
  • 1 x Lead Image 1200 x 800 pixels, max file size 1mb
  • Up to 3 images in the body of the article, each to be 600 x 400 pixels
  • Make sure you include company contact details: phone number, email, web address to complete the sales cycle

Budget: $900 ex GST per slot (can include multiple SKU’s)

Timings and Deadlines:

  • We plan to send out a regular Digital Marketplace eDM
  • Once you book a slot and submit copy/images you’ll be on the next broadcast

Liquor retailers are open for business so keep the lines of communication open at the Digital Marketplace.

Send me an email to book your slot,

Stay safe and let’s keep talking.



Liquor & Hospitality Group

T: 0285866205  E:  M: 0431857765


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The Shout Team

The leading online news service for Australia's beer, wine, spirits and hospitality industries.

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