By James Wells at ProWein in Dussledorf
Oval, an Austrian-based distiller, has released what it describes as a world first vodka with a 24%ABV and is looking for an Australian importer as featured in this video exclusive to
According to Oval marketing manager Elisabeth Holbling, the spirit cannot be technically described as a vodka due to its alcohol percentage.
“It looks like vodka, it tastes like vodka, but mustn’t be called so. We are talking about Oval 24 – the lightweight spirit which technically does not qualify as vodka because EU regulations stipulate a minimum alcohol content of 37.5% ABV,” Holbling said.
“This is a regulation that is hard to understand, particularly against the backdrop of the ubiquitous international trend toward cutting alcohol consumption,” she said.
Click on the video below to hear from Oval marketing manager, Elisabeth Holbling…
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