By Triana O'Keefe, editor Australian Hotelier

Flat? Too much foam? Cloudy?

We have all poured a beer only to have it returned by the discerning local who can taste the difference. But what is the problem and where do you start?

If the beer is FOAMY check:

  •     Is the tap is being pulled completely on to open the faucet?
  •     Is the faucet clean? Any obstructions in the tap and faucet can agitate the beer.
  •     Is the beer being poured too slowly or too fast? The approximate flow rate is five seconds for a 10 oz glass.
  •     Is the keg tapped properly?
  •     Is your cool room temperature set correctly?

If the beer is FLAT check:

  •     Are your gas levels low?
  •     Is your pressure correct?
  •     Is your glassware clean?
  •     Is your cool room temperature set correctly?

If the beer is CLOUDY check:

  •     Is your cool room temperature set correctly?
  •     Are you using the right level/grade of detergent for your glasses?

ALWAYS ensure your beer lines are regularly cleaned and that the beer has not exceed its shelf life.

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