By Andrew Starke
Carlton United Brewers (CUB) has managed to halt its market share declines thanks to strong gains in the on-premise channel and set-backs encountered by its main rival Lion.
With beer volumes per capita at a 60-year low, CUB had faced a diminishing share of a shrinking pool but this seems to have stabalised.
The company had a 51.5 percent stake of Australian beer sales by volume in 2007 but this market share fall seems to be leveling out at about 48 percent.
According to CUB, Carlton Draught experienced its 10th consecutive year of growth while stable mate Carlton Dry posted a 22 percent volume increase for the financial year.
Both brands were highlighted yesterday as part of Foster’s Group’s full year results announcement.
“Carlton Draught is proof of what Australians love about beer – it means getting together with mates for an honest laugh,” said Carlton group marketing manager Vincent Ruiu.
“The beer itself is also widely respected for its freshness, which publicans continually tell us is a key selling point.”
Now the seventh biggest beer in the country, Carlton Dry is one of the fastest growing beer brands and is understood to resonate well with 18-24 year olds.
“Carlton Dry’s success has come from involving consumers, listening to what they want and getting their help in building a brand that’s right for them,” added Ruiu.
Sustained brand support for Fat Yak led the CUB assault on the craft beer segment with volume growth of 39 percent.
The brewer said an on-premise focus via tap growth and visibility had led to draught volume growth of 34 percent.
Strongbow and Bulmers performed well in the cider category.