Looking for a point of difference to grow your customer base? Premium spirits is a good idea. At Barmania buying whole cartons of high value spirits is not required. Both well-known and new up-and-coming brands across all categories are available by the bottle making it affordable to stock high value bottles.
Barmania has been involved with Whisky Live events since 2009 and has acquired valuable intelligence about consumers of premium and luxury whiskies and spirits. Our knowledge can help your business. We range single casks and special bottlings.
Barmania understands your business is unique and can help plan a range of spirits to best suit. Let’s discuss. We know about competition and pricing – establish a ‘theme’; build a customer following; become a destination. If you have the ambition, speak with us. Discuss your ideas and direction. We offer our customers personalised advice. Selecting appropriate brands for your business is important and part of the foundation work we can assist you with.
No minimum buy policy makes it easy to start small and grow.
Order online – ample product information helps you become the “go-to” spirits person.
Register today and grow your premium and luxury spirit range.