AHA (WA) believes proposed wagering reforms by the WA Government will level playing field

The Australian Hotels Association (AHA WA) has thrown its weight behind supporting the measure, which they say will provide meaningful financial support to local PUBTAB agents and deliver long-term certainty to the state’s racing industry.

The WA TAB plays an important role for pubs, bars, taverns and hotels in Western Australia, says the AHA WA, however they believe it has come under threat from new online and offshore-based bookmakers in recent years. These new bookmakers do not pay tax in WA, say AHA WA and, unlike the WA TAB, do not currently provide support to the WA racing industry.

The proposed reforms will see the WA TAB sold to an experienced operator, consolidate a number of taxes into a point of consumption tax (which will now be paid by all bookmakers) and deliver a number of measures to help existing WA TAB agents transition, expand and compete on an even playing field.

Australian Hotels Association (WA) CEO Bradley Woods said the proposed reforms are good news for WA TAB agents and provide long-term security for WA’s racing industry.

“For decades, WA’s pubs, bars and taverns have played a pivotal role in supporting WA’s racing industry,” Mr Woods said.

“The reforms acknowledge recent shifts in technology and the subsequent need to deliver support to WA TAB operators and by extension, the state’s racing industry.

“The AHA congratulates the State Government on the constructive way it has engaged with industry and stakeholders throughout this comprehensive consultation process.”

“We particularly welcome the support these reforms extend to PUBTAB agents and look forward to the State Government securing a capable, experienced operator to purchase the TAB and ensure it continues to play an important role in WA’s licensed venues.”

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