By Vanessa Cavasinni, editor Australian Hotelier

Hoteliers will get the chance to ask a member of the New South Wales Police Force (NSWPF) questions on lockouts and compliance at the 2017 Pub Leaders Summit.

Superintendent David Donohue, Central Metropolitan Region Corporate Spokesperson for Alcohol, has accepted an invitation to participate in the Pub Leaders Summit on Monday 20 March. Donohue will join AHA NSW’s John Green after his presentation ‘Taking the Bull by the Horns: Publicans Leading on Local Issues’. A number of hoteliers’ questions will be pre-selected and Green will put them to Donohue.

Superintendent Donohue has been a member of the NSWPF for 30 years, and has been the Commander of the Sydney City Local Area Command since July 2015, and as such has been front and centre in representing police interests in lockout legislation and compliance for the last eighteen months.

Questions for Superintendent Donohue must be submitted to Vanessa Cavasinni here. If you would prefer to not have your identity disclosed when questions are put to the Superintendent, please make that clear in your email.

To attend the Pub Leaders Summit, click here to purchase tickets.

The full program for the Pub Leaders Summit is also listed below.


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