White Bay Brewery’s Extra Pale Lager is a unique style that stands out from the crowd of craft beer as being something different. It is a style that isn’t yet very common in the beer market and we believe there is demand for it. Light, sessionable and clean. It hits all the parameters for the craft beer drinker and any beer drinker as a whole. Drinkable, similar to a lager with some hops on the cold side, makes this beer a touch more bright and exciting.

At 12g of carbs and 144 calories per schooner and 4% ABV, the XPL sits in it’s own category within our portfolio as being a better-for-you guilt-reduced option. Funnily enough, we didn’t exactly set out to accomplish this from the start – we wanted to meet people where they were with this beer rather than challenge them to be somewhere they weren’t without compromising on our our mission to always produce the best product we possibly can. The lower carb, lower calorie and sessionable ABV is just a consequence of us fussing over the recipe development for months until the XPL was exactly what we wanted it to look like, taste like and fit the occasion we wanted it to fit perfectly.

Available via ALM, Paramount or orders@whitebay.beer