By Rebecca Harris

The global brand ambassador for Sagatiba, one of the world’s top selling cachaças, is in Australia to host a series of master class sessions in Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney.

Sagatiba global brand ambassador John Gakuru yesterday (Mar 10) hosted the first of three sessions at Blue Diamond bar in Melbourne.

Attended by over 50 bartenders, the session was followed by an evening of music, canapés, and Sagatiba cocktails made by Gakuru himself.

The next session will be held in Canberra on Monday (Mar 16) at Knightsbridge Penthouse — a win for local bartenders who are often overlooked by visiting global brand ambassadors.

The final session will be held in Sydney on Monday (Mar 23) at new bar Low 302 in Surry Hills. Both sessions will also finish with an after party.

Cachaça is a clear spirit distilled from freshly pressed sugar cane juice. The key ingredient in a Caipirinha, a cocktail often referred to as ‘The Spirit of Brazil’.



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