CPA Australia has expressed its disappointment with this week’s Queensland Budget, which the association says does not do enough to support small businesses in the state.

The CPA said that while it was understandable for the Budget to provide a lot of support households suffering through cost of living increases, small businesses are also struggling in the current high-cost environment.

“The budget focused heavily on household finances, such as energy bills and vehicle registration costs, which is understandable and will be well-received by many. But as these measures were being announced in recent days, Queensland business owners could be forgiven for feeling overlooked,” said Gavan Ord, Business Investment and International Lead, CPA Australia.

“Every Queenslander knows a small business owner – and knows the financial pressures they’ve been facing in recent times, especially those in construction, hospitality and other energy-intensive sectors.

“The $650 electricity bill rebate for small businesses, co-funded with the federal government, is better than nothing, but frankly it won’t make much of a dent in the annual bills of small businesses, especially those with high energy needs.

“The overall assessment of the budget for small businesses has to be ‘disappointing’.

“The budget missed an opportunity to expand measures that boost business growth and productivity, which would benefit all Queenslanders.”

The Budget did outline plans to appoint a Night Life Economy Minister to work closely with local businesses, venues and precincts to create a vibrant and safe night-time environment.

Premier Steve Miles said: “I want to support and enhance our night-time economy, which is why I’m announcing a new commissioner with this exact focus.

“It’s my expectation that the commissioner will work closely and collaboratively with the sector to boost vibrancy and maintain safety right across the state.”

“Queensland is already home to some of the best bars, restaurants, and live entertainment venues in the country and creating this role will only make it better.

“A thriving and safe nighttime economy means a thriving city– one that keeps our young and brightest in good jobs, delivering for Queensland.”

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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