The Brehenys are the most influential family in Australian Brewing History with eighteen different Breheny brewers working in dozens of breweries across Australia from 1864 until 2022.
In 1891 ‘Breheny Bros. Breweries’ was established and barrels of tasty ale were made and enjoyed by thirsty drinkers around Australia until the 1930s.
Over one hundred years later descendants of the Breheny brothers found the original family recipe books from the 1920s.
From these recipes a range of easy drinking beers are now available to quench the thirst of mainstream beer drinkers across Australia.

Breheny Brothers beers include Royal Lager, Queensland Mid and gold medal winning, Superior Stout which are available in 355ml cans and 50L kegs.
Orders for these historical mainstream beers can be placed through ALM or Paramount