Papa Salt Gin, the Australian coastal gin launched last year by Margot Robbie, her husband Tom Ackerley and friends Josey McNamara, Regan Riskas and Charlie Maas, is releasing an RTD, which is scheduled to hit shelves in time for summer.

The new RTD will launch as a Paloma, featuring Papa Salt Gin and CAPI Grapefruit Soda, and CEO Maas, told The Shout that the team wanted to create a high-quality product that would properly represent the Papa Salt brand.

“We made Papa Salt because we wanted a gin to drink in the sun with our friends, but the consumer isn’t just staying at home anymore. They’re on the move,” he said.

“As a brand you have to adapt, and one way to do that is to create a package that’s a bit easier to bring around and share than a standard big bottle.

“Our hesitation round an RTD was about quality: how do we ensure the consumer knows this is a great product? In the end, we decided partnering with a renowned mixer brand was the way to do that. CAPI make great products, and one of our favourites is their Grapefruit Soda, so we arrived at a paloma from a quality angle. What’s the best thing we can put in this can? A Papa Salt Paloma with CAPI Grapefruit Soda.”

The Papa Salt Paloma RTD will launch at five per cent ABV and in 250ml cans, which will be one standard drink and less than 100 calories. Mass told The Shout that the team had worked hard on the product as well as the design of the can.

“We landed at the size and strength that we thought tasted the best. Just like Papa Salt, this serve is a reflection of what we want to drink,” he said.

“We worked very hard to make sure that the can is a direct descendant of the bottle. Unfortunately we can’t get the same beautiful translucent effect in a can, so we focused on making sure anyone who loves Papa Salt instantly recognises that this is the same product.”

The Papa Salt Paloma RTD will be available across Australia in October, with exact outlets and RRP still being finalised.

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.

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