By James Atkinson
The imposing shelf presence of Isfjord's Premium Arctic Gin and Vodka has gained them early traction with the Australian liquor trade, according to distributor Red Island Group
Red Island director Patrick Alé told TheShout that it is unusual for both a gin and a vodka to be launched under the same banner, but the two in combination create an eye-catching proposition.
"Bars have been saying that they've never seen a gin and a vodka under the same name, but they complement each other and they look great behind the bar," he said.
Alé said the liquid in both SKUs – which are distilled purely from iceberg water harvested sustainably from the Greenland ice cap – is vastly different to what is already on the market.
"We've had some really good feedback from the trade so far," he said.
"Some of the feedback that we've been getting is that it's one of the smoothest gins they've ever tasted, and the vodka is pretty unique in that it's got a tone of aniseed through it, and it's quite oily." 
"It is a higher proof than your standard vodkas out there," Alé added.
Founded in 2007, Isfjord is an independent company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. 
Isfjord Premium Arctic Gin & Vodka is now available in Australia in selected bars and retail outlets.

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