This industry is brilliant for the passion that it brings out in people, for the drive people have for their products and for creating amazing drinks that fit perfectly with different occasions.

But passion does not need to be taken too seriously. It is still possible to be totally engaged with something, with a product and just have some fun with it.

Do you need to know the precise origin of every product? What the moon cycle was during the harvest time? What each and every botanical is, where it’s come from and how much was used? Not all the time you don’t!

Sometimes it’s just about enjoying new and interesting flavours that are easy drinking, that are refreshing and that are not overly complicated. By not getting bogged down in the delicate intricacies and simply focusing on refreshment and flavour it is possible to create something new that resonates with consumers and unexpectedly hits changing consumer tastes.

Did you know that iced tea has shown consistent double digit growth over the past five years? That’s probably come as a shock, but now you’re realising that you have seen more and more iced tea around.

But more than that, when you look at key trend-leading markets like the United States and Canada, you see the real potential that alcoholic iced teas can have.

When Brookvale Union took the idea of an alcoholic iced tea in convenient 330ml cans to consumers, over half of shoppers would have purchased it if it was available and nine out 10 believed that alcoholic iced tea offered something completely new and incremental to the category.

So armed with that information, what are you going to do? You go and create an alcoholic iced tea, that’s what you do.

Brookvale Union has experienced double digit growth every year since launching in 2013. It’s now the second biggest ginger beer in Australia and having contributed 52 per cent of ginger beer growth in the last year it’s showing no signs of slowing.

Brookvale Union’s Brand Manager Andy Marsh, said: “At Brookvale Union, we’re all about Quality Nonsense. Quality on the inside and nonsense on the outside – and everywhere else.

“For us, it’s creating a drink that’s exceptional in taste, ingredients and production, and having a bit of fun in how we bring it to market – no strategy, no hidden meaning, no persuasive imagery, just ‘quality nonsense’.

“We don’t ride to the local markets to pick up freshly harvested ingredients for the next batch. We don’t have a veggie patch out the back growing fresh produce. And none of us are even close to being farmers.

“We do however, happen to know some guys, who know some guys, who are giving us a hand and sharing closely guarded secrets, to ensure natural base products are used to create great tasting, refreshing and innovative beverages. We also have a ‘little bit’ of brewing knowledge that we put to good use. Talking smack with your best bud, wearing a tutu to a tractor trade show, dying your hair purple. Whatever it is – BU Vodka & Peach Iced Tea is to be enjoyed while creating your own Quality Nonsense.”

Marsh adds: “This month, Brookvale Union has released its new absurd-lutely refreshalicious Vodka & Peach Iced Tea which you drink with your mouth.

“With its boozy beverage sister-wives Ginger Beer and Spiced Rum & Lime Ginger Beer, Vodka & Peach Iced Tea is the third epic-tasting, ridiculously refreshing beverage from Brookvale Union. It’s four per cent ABV and lightly carbonated, making for one hell of a sessionable thirst quencher.”

The new launch into the off-premise sees the BU Vodka & Peach Iced Tea available in 330ml cans, and because the focus is on refreshment throughout the summer months, these cans are just one standard drink each. So there’s no calculations needed; just relax and enjoy the absurd-lutely refreshalicious drink and if you do ponder the origins of the tea leaves – just have a word with yourself!

If you want to find out more about bringing some quality nonsense into your store, then contact your local 4 Pines or CUB sales representative for more information, or order online through the CUB ordering website.

Andy Young

Andy joined Intermedia as Editor of The Shout in 2015, writing news on a daily basis and also writing features for National Liquor News. Now Managing Editor of both The Shout and Bars and Clubs.