By Andy Young

Victoria's Premier Daniel Andrews has dismissed speculation that the state may re-introduce lockout laws.

Earlier this week speculation rose in some parts of the media that Victoria would return to a lockout state following calls for tougher restrictions on pub and club trading hours.

A report published by the International Journal of Drug Policy claimed that research showed that the longer a licensed venue stayed opened the more intoxicated the patrons became. The research covered patrons at 62 bars, nightclubs and large pubs around Australia and looked for signs of drunkeness, including staggering, aggression and bumping into people. Five Australian cities were covered in the research including Melbourne and Geelong, which fuelled calls from certain areas to bring in trading hour restrcitions.

However Andrews dismissed the calls and insisted that Melbourne would not be following the path laid by Sydney with its lockout laws.

"We certainly don't need to be doing what Sydney's done, which is smash their nightlife and cost jobs and hurt the economy," the Premier told reporters this week.

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    The more alcohol you consume in one sitting, the more likely it is you will be affected by alcohol.

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