Hospitality staff in the ACT will not have to complete compulsory Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training for at least another six months, with the results of a discussion paper on the territory’s liquor laws not due out until mid-year.
Under current law, staff working in licensed premises across the ACT do not need a responsible service certificate, with the Northern Territory also one of the last remaining industries without the same RSA regulations.
NSW, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania have already mandated the training for all staff handling liquor in licensed premises.
Attorney-General Simon Corbell opened a broad inquiry last year into the ACT’s liquor laws and a discussion paper was issued last April. Submissions closed in June but results reportedly won’t be released for at least another six months.
The Australian Hotels Association has said the existing state-by-state system was doing more harm than good, with chief executive Bill Healey calling for a national approach.
However, the varying liquor laws across each state mean a number of issues could arise out of creating the one relevant training course.