By Amelia Ball

Retailers, bar professionals, wholesalers and supplier representatives have just over one week to have their say in the 15th Australian Liquor Industry Awards (ALIA).

With the nationwide industry voting set to close on August 31, the retail and wholesale sector has been busy nominating the brands, products and suppliers that have performed with distinction over the past 12 months.

Voting this year from the retail side is indicative of not just the best-selling SKUs but also those with the best complete overall sales packages and services.

Hotel and bar professionals, along with the supply side and their sales representatives, have also been busy nominating their peers and best customers within the Hotel, Bar & Club Awards. These coveted titles recognise the best venues, retail outlets, personalities and hotel groups from around the country.

The national spread of nominations coming in is a great sign of the strength of both the industry and the relationships between suppliers and customers.

With voting closing on August 31, every last vote counts, with results currently proving extremely close in a number of key categories, including Supplier of the Year.

Winners will be announced on Wednesday, October 22, at the Darling Harbour Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, for a gala event, which is already booking up fast.

To cast your vote and download a table booking form, click here.

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