By Amy Looker, editor National Liquor News
The Australian Liquor Stores Association (ALSA) celebrated its 30th year of service to the retail liquor industry alongside over 50 Federal ministers, senators, members of parliament and industry stakeholders at a recent event in Canberra.
ALSA president, Giuseppe Minissale, hosted the cocktail event at Parliament House with the Minister for Employment, Eric Abetz, officially welcoming ALSA and congratulating the association on its 30th anniversary milestone and ongoing contribution towards creating jobs and staff development and training.
“ALSA members should be commended on the 40,000 direct jobs in the retail liquor sector and ALSA’s strong focus on training young people and professional career development with ALSA-Train and ALSA Retail Insights,” Abetz said.
L-R: Eric Abetz, ALSA CEO Terry Mott and president Giuseppe Minissale
The cocktail event took place after the ALSA national board meeting, giving board members a valuable opportunity to meet with Federal MPs and senators to discuss alcohol industry policy issues.
“ALSA’s 30th event enabled ALSA board members to dispel many of the myths around our industry which have been spread by the temperance industry,” said ALSA chief executive officer, Terry Mott.
“ALSA was able to reinforce our long history of working with government and discuss the community and social responsibility initiatives such as ‘ID-25’ and ‘Don’t Buy It For Them’ that have been implemented by ALSA and our members across Australia.”