By Clyde Mooney

Concerted efforts by Clubs Australia, the RSL and numerous individuals seems to be making progress in the war against plans to introduce mandatory pre-commitment (MPC) on Australian poker machines.

The Gillard government copped a double-whammy as the RSL announced its condemnation of the proposal on Wednesday and yesterday Clubs Australia (CA) launched stage 2 of its campaign, put simply as ‘Won’t Work, Will Hurt.’

This next phase will incorporate highly visible posters and banners, a targeted newsletter mail-out, and TVCs throughout key electorates in NSW and Queensland, picturing and naming local MPs and pleading for their support.

Around 25 Labor MPs now fear for their jobs and are threatening to vote in caucus against the coercive deal between the PM and the Tasmanian independent, even though they know their actions could bring down the minority government.

Parliamentary secretary and member for the NSW marginal seat of Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly, told the Sydney Morning Herald “I would not support anything that would threaten the viability of my pubs and clubs. They are such an integral part of the community.”

‘Won’t Work, Will Hurt’ is a continuation of the ‘license to punt’ initiative, in collaboration with the Australian Hotels Association, that has already seen $1.8 million spent on spreading the message how the proposed reforms will irreparably damage hundreds of venues around the country.

The gaming industry has said the catchphrase rings true, with Gaming Technologies Association CEO, Ross Ferrar, telling TheShout “The campaign tag ‘Won’t Work, Will Hurt’ is absolutely correct.”

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