By Andy Young

Retailers are reminded that trading hour restrictions apply to many states on this ANZAC Day, Monday 25 April, while licencees are advised of extra compliance inspections being carried out.

The Australian Retailers Association has said that confusion around the ANZAC Day trading hours and whether or not the full day is a public holiday is common for retailers and consumers alike.

ARA executive director, Russell Zimmerman, said: “All Australians to be aware that the vast majority of stores are unable to trade on Anzac Day until between 12:30pm and 1pm, dependent on the state or territory they are in.

“In some locations, stores are allowed to open mid-way through the day, however, given the public holiday and expected lower foot traffic, many retailers may choose not to open at all.”

The list below highlights the trading restrictions for each state, but businesses are advised to check with their local industrial relations legislation if unsure about any ANZAC Day trading restrictions.


Packaged Liquor Retailers: Victorian based retailers cannot trade between midnight and 1pm on Anzac Day, unless they fall into the category of ‘exempt shop’. Exempt shops include chemists, petrol stations, cafes, restaurants, takeaway outlets and hire outlets such as video stores, businesses with 20 or fewer employees and businesses with no more than 100 workers at any one time in the seven days prior to Anzac Day. After 1pm, all businesses may open.

Pubs, bars, hotels: Late night trading venues such as nightclubs, pubs and bars across the state that would normally trade between 3am and 12noon are required to cease the supply of alcohol at 3am on ANZAC Day. Some exemptions for commemorative events do apply, click here for more information.


Packaged Liquor Retailers: Unless exempt, you are not permitted to trade on the morning of Anzac Day, until 1:00pm. There are two ways your business could be exempt to trade on Anzac Day morning: Your business is classified as a 'small shop'; and/or your business is in a gazetted LGA 'tourist zone'. For any clarification on this contact LSA NSW.

Pubs, bars, hotels: ANZAC Day is not a restricted trading day and licencees can trade subject to the usual trade restrcitions, for example lockouts. AHA NSW has warned members that compliance officers will be out over the long weekend. John Whelan CEO of AHA NSW said: "Members should also give particular consideration to the escalated risk associated with larger crowds, increased rates of intoxication, gambling disputes, extended high volume trade, and special ANZAC Day liquor promotions."


Packaged Liquor Retailers: In Tasmania, large retailers employing more than 250 people and those under a franchise agreement must not open before 12.30pm on ANZAC Day. There are no trading restrictions on any other types of shops.

Pubs, bars, hotels: ANZAC Day is not a restricted trading day and licencees can trade subject to the usual trade restrcitions.


Anzac Day is considered a normal day of trade in the ACT, however, many businesses choose to follow the tradition in other states of not trading before 1pm.

South Australia

Other than exempt stores, Adelaide retailers are prohibited from opening before 12pm. Exempt businesses include service stations, restaurants, cafes, real estate auctions and night clubs and hotels where the main business is selling alcohol. Stores in the CBD and tourist precincts are permitted to trade from 12pm to 5pm, while all other Adelaide retailers will remain closed all day. Stores outside the Greater Adelaide Shopping District or a Proclaimed Shopping District can trade at any time.


From 10am to 1pm liquor may only be sold in conjunction with a meal and only if the meal is prepared and intended to be eaten on the premises. Take away alcohol is not permitted for sale prior to 1pm on ANZAC Day, after 1pm normal trading conditions apply. No gaming is allowed between midnight and 1pm on ANZAC Day. More information is available here.

Northern Territory

ANZAC Day is considered a normal day of trade in the Northern Territory, although businesses many opt to remain closed before 1pm as a sign of respect.

Western Australia

Retailers in the Perth metropolitan area cannot trade on ANZAC Day, with the exemption of small shops and ‘special retail shops’, which can trade between 6am and 11.30pm. These include pharmacies, garden nurseries, hardware, newsagencies, boating shops, and shops at sporting venues.

Pubs, bars, hotels: Hotels and small bars can open after midday, although there are some exemptions for commemorative events. More information is available here.

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