By Ian Neubauer

A ‘virtual wine tasting’ module that allows consumers to test their knowledge and learn more about wine has been added to the website of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation (AWBC).

The Regional Heroes Tasting Challenge invites wine lovers to select from a range of 20 iconic Australian wine varietals — from Tasmania Sparkling to Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon — and score points on their ability to identified the wine’s characteristics.

Other functions include a virtual tour of Australia’s 60-plus wine regions, a taste chart and a user-friendly explanation of the wine tasting process.    

AWBC manager – international marketing and communications, Lucy Anderson, said the module was formulated as part of an overall strategy to promote the distinct varietals of Australia’s wine- producing districts.   

“We wanted to build awareness about different wine regions and start to create an association between a region and the styles of wine that come from those regions,” she said. 

The Tasting Challenge has received more than 1,000 visits since its launch last month. The average number of pages visited per user is 12, each of which spent an average of 10 minutes perusing the site.

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