By James Wells at ProWein in Düsseldorf
The recently-formed Accolade Wines has continued to market itself as Constellation Wines at its exhibition stand at ProWein ahead of a brand transition scheduled to be completed by July 1, 2011.
According to Accolade Wines general manager – Europe, James Lousada, the Australian business is continuing to display growth for the business despite being an established market with a three percent increase over the past 12 months.
New Australian wine products released at ProWein 2011 include a Banrock Station Pink Moscato and a new Banrock Station premium bag in box product which has been released to target the Nordic market.
To hear more from Accolade Wines general manager – Europe, James Lousada, click on the video below shot live at ProWein 2011 exclusively for TheShout.
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