By James Atkinson

Sydney's Bayfield family is committed to the hotels business and would even consider buying more pubs if the right opportunity came up, according to Bayfield Hotel Group managing director Wayne Bayfield.

While the Bayfields' Dee Why Hotel has been on the market for some time, this week's sale of Belrose Hotel happened off-market, leading industry observers to question whether the family is also open to offers on its other venue, Newport Arms.

But Wayne Bayfield told TheShout this morning that it would have to be an incredibly compelling offer for the family to ever consider parting with the Newport Arms, which he believes is "the best pub in Australia".

"We have been approached many times over the years, but Newport's very close to our heart," he said.

Bayfield said the sales of Caringbah and Belrose hotels were both the result of timely, attractive offers and certainly do not signify that the family is ready to exit hotels altogether.

"Most of my kids and a few of my sons and daughters-in-law work in the business," he said.

"This is all I've ever done. They tell me I'm an old bastard but I'm not 55 yet, so I've still got a bit of time left in me," Bayfield joked.

"Dad was still going at nearly 80." 

He said there is plenty of interest in Dee Why Hotel. "It's still just going through the sale process, they're just waiting on people coming in with offers."

And he confirmed the family could look at buying additional hotel assets in the future.

"This has all just happened, we'll see what happens with Dee Why and we'll work from there," Bayfield said.

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