By James Atkinson

Jim Beam has registered strong growth in both full-strength bottled and ready-to-drink formats as a result of the 'Jim Beam Make History' campaign launched in March this year.

An independent report carried out by Millward Brown was commissioned by Beam to evaluate the consumer response to the 'Barrel to Bondi' television commercial as well as assessing key shifts in brand health measures. 

The research found that during the on air period of May, Jim Beam strongly outperformed the market with RTD delivering a double digit swing for the better, while Jim Beam White full spirit also benefited with impressive growth due to the campaign. [continued below]

In addition to the positive increase in sales, the campaign successfully reshaped the consumer perceptions of the brand, with surveyed consumers reporting:

  • It made me more likely to try Jim Beam 
  • It made me think the brand is really different from others 
  • It made me think that Jim Beam is better than other brands of spirits 

Consumers also responded that Jim Beam:

  • Is a brand I've heard lots of good things about recently 
  • Is a brand that is growing more popular 
  • Is a brand with good quality 
  • Has a great taste
  • Is a brand for me 
  • Is a brand I'm proud to drink 

Beam Australia brand director – bourbon, said: "We made a decision to reshape the Jim Beam brand in 2013 with our 'make history' campaign and it is extremely rewarding to see this translate to such positive uplifts in sales and brand health measures."

"Consumers clearly love the new creative and what it says about Jim Beam. We continue to own 'the fun party brand' positioning but what I am particularly encouraged by is the significant shifts in quality and authenticity measures; something Jim Beam had not previously focused on." 

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