Sue Lauritz and Amber King, BrightSide directors

Recruitment specialist agency Brightside have hired Julie Hitch as the new talent manager.

BrightSide is the only 100 per cent dedicated drinks recruitment specialist agency in the country and has been operating for over 20 years. Director Sue Lauritz explained that the decision to hire a new talent manager was in response the industry’s current needs.

“It’s still hard to attract talent in the drinks industry and everyone seems to be doing more with less,” Lauritz said. “Having an extra Talent Manager in the BrightSide team will help us continue to provide the best support for our clients in finding the right talent for their needs in a timely way.”

Hitch’s previous experience ranges from sales and marketing to sponsorships and events, in roles at Batch & Co and Nelson Wine Company.

“Julie brings a vast amount of experience from the drinks industry across sales and marketing and across the beer, wine and spirits categories. She understands the nuances of the industry and has hands-on experience performing in the roles she will be recruiting.  It’s a huge advantage when sourcing suitable candidates,” Lauritz explained.

Hitch’s new role with BrightSide will involve sourcing suitable candidates for job-specific briefs, headhunting, and talent mapping the industry. Though she does not have previous experience in recruitment, director Amber King explained that Hitch’s industry experience will be incredibly useful.

“BrightSide prefers to take industry professionals and train them up in the art of recruitment, having the industry knowledge is invaluable and also gives our team credibility with clients,” said King.

BrightSide specialises in recruiting mid-to-senior level roles across the drinks industry, partnering with suppliers, retailers, distributors, wholesalers, head office hospitality groups and drinks related agencies of all sizes. Lauritz explained that even though this is a difficult time for the industry, BrightSide has been kept busy.

“There continues to be pressures across the industry due to economic factors, increases in cost of goods, and pressures to achieve stretch sales targets off the back of a couple of very strong years in retail post the pandemic,” Lauritz described. “However, we are still very busy.  This is largely due to clients not having the time or experience to recruit themselves.”

Candidates are also reticent to make a career change due to the economic situation.

“However, we have seen a lot more movement this year compared to previous years,” said King.

The key is reaching candidates that business owners have difficulty finding themselves.

“Gone of the days where you put a Seek ad up and get a result, hence our growth. We also play a pivotal role for our clients when we represent them in the marketplace, as we get to tell their story to create excitement about the opportunity, which also builds their brand awareness,” King continued.

“We love what we do at BrightSide and are very proud of the role we play in connecting the drinks industry. We love the people we work with, are heavily invested in the brands we represent and have helped shape countless careers across the country,” King concluded.

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