By Andy Young

The team at Cake Wines are currently re-developing a building in the Sydney suburb of Redfern, with a view to opening a new cellar door and Australian craft drinks bar.

The cellar door is scheduled to open in early March and will be offering customers the full range of Cake Wines as well as a small number of Australian beers and spirits.

Cake Wines founder Glen Cassidy told TheShout: “We want to keep things simple and in line with the wines we are serving. On a broader level we really want to bring something new into the city, bring some wine education into the city and do that in a Cake Wines way and keep it real.”

The bar will operate from Wednesday to Sunday, from 5pm until midnight (from midday on Saturday and Sunday) and although licensing restrictions mean that customers cannot take wine away with them. They will be able to order at the bar and have them delivered to their home in two hours’ time.

Cassidy added: “It will be a bar, it will be a cultural space as well with lots of programming that will go with each nights; lots of acts, talks, workshops. The venue will also be a part of the Sydney Vivid Festival, so I think that will help establish us pretty solidly.

“This is something that we’ve wanted to do from day one at Cake Wines, we really just dreamt up the ultimate home for all of the things that we wanted to do. Five years later, we are in a position to do it. So it’s a super-exciting time for us.

“At the cellar door you’ll find a different mix of experiences, with five focal points: wine, food, music, arts and culture. We’ll be curating different styles of events for different nights of the week, so workshops and wine education, but then on Thursdays and Fridays we’ll have DJs and local artists performing. Then on Saturdays we want to bring back brunch.

“Brunch is something that seems to work beautifully in New York or San Francisco, it just doesn’t seem to happen in Sydney, and so we want to do that. And Sundays you’ll find talks or even a low-key music experience.

“The look and feel of the venue will be raw and fall in line with the Cake Wines aesthetic, stripped back, just keeping nice and modest and contemporary.”

The cellar door is scheduled to open in Eveleigh Street, Redfern on March 11 and as well as serving drinks, cheese and meat platters will be available, plus the brunch offerings on weekends, with seating for around 90 people.

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