By Andy Young

The Australian Grape and Wine Authority (AGWA) has told a Senate Estimates Hearing that the demand for premium Australian wine in China is growing significantly.

Referring to last month's Wine Export Approval Report the AGWA said that China was now the third biggest export market for Australian wine, behind the UK and US. Exports to China were valued at $242 million in the 12 months to March this year. 

On the release of last month's report AGWA's chief executive Andreas Clark said: "Asia continues to be a key driver of growth with more than half of exports in the above A$7.50 per litre segment shipped to Asian markets (up 13 per cent) with the average value of exports to Asia A$18.77 per litre.

"The biggest Asian market is still China but Japan has also seen strong growth as has emerging Asian markets such as Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines."

Overall exports to China were up 20 per cent last year to 44 million litres. Bulk exports increased 77 per cent to 5 million litres while bottled exports experienced record growth, up 15 per cent to 39 million litres.

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