By Andrew Starke

ClubsNSW CEO Anthony Ball has called on the NSW State Government to ‘come clean’ on gaming promises it has made to Star City Casino that adversely affect clubs.

He said he was stunned to learn that the government’s 15 percent cap on electronic roulette and blackjack machines which doesn’t come into effect until 2013 was the result of secret talks between the casino and the Government.

“The State Government has previously denied that the casino had any influence on their decision to after 15 years suddenly bring in a cap on electronic roulette and black jack machines in clubs,” said Ball.

“Today we learn that Government even promised compensation to the casino if clubs didn’t comply with the 15 percent cap in 2013.

“At the same time that the Government was introducing a 15 percent cap on electronic roulette and blackjack machines in clubs, it was removing the cap on how many of the exact same machines Star City Casino can operate.

“The State Government needs to make public the agreement they signed with Star City Casino. Clubs need to know what other secret promises have been made to the casino that adversely affects clubs,” he said.

NSW clubs have had electronic roulette and blackjack games (known in the industry as multi- terminal gaming machines) since 1996.

Several years later the NSW Government allowed Star City Casino to install the same multi-terminal gaming machines but, Ball claims, three years ago the Government quietly removed the limit on how many machines the casino can install.


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